Sprouted Grain Bread, Make Your Own Carrot-Raisin Essene Bread

Sprouted grain bread is something we like to make on occasion when we want something hardy and bread-like that gives LOTs of "energy to spend" for being physically active.

I gave up eating bread a long time ago, but once in awhile it's nice to revisit this past time favorite in a healthier way.

If your going to eat bread, the best kind is from sprouted grains. But, even better than store bought bread, is your own FRESH homemade bread you sprout yourself!

Sprouted Essene Bread

This version of "Essene bread" is not baked, however, but made in the ancient Essene tradition.

Well, not exactly, they sun baked their bread on rocks, we use a more modern kitchen tool... the Excalibur dehydrator.

The Essenes were a mystical community who lived on the fringes of the Dead Sea in Biblical times.

They were devoted to the study and application of the laws of nature and living in harmony with it. A version of their 2,000 year old bread recipe is found in the Essene Gospel of Peace, a translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Health Benefits of Sprouted Grain Bread


As we mention on our super sprouts page, sprouting seeds or grains begins the process of germination, which increases the amount of nutrients available.

Sprouting the grain neutralizes phytic acid, which predigests the grain so you don't have too.

This is very helpful, because processed, baked or refined grain in the gut is like glue, not exactly great for colon health.

Grain sprouting provides a highly concentrated source of potent energy, packed with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, protein rich amino acids and sugars.

When you make the bread you can really see how wheat flours can make glue products.

The sprouted grain is sticky and glutenous, but WAY more digestible and nutritious than refined flour baked bread any day.


However, if you are gluten sensitive you should avoid eating all wheat grains and go for something like our chia seed onion bread instead.

Sprouted grains have been known to increase libido in some people, so be warned.

This occurs, in my opinion, from the concentrated amount of "sprout life-force" in one piece of bread. This is not the case, however, for baked sprouted grain bread because the living energy is destroy when heated.

The taste of this sprouted grain bread recipe is different than the baked bread products you may be used to. It is more dense and chewy.

It also has a "wheatier" taste that some people don't care for, I personally love the flavor.

Our version is sweet, carrot raisin bread. I like it as a main meal after a workout or some kind of strenuous exercise.

Sprouted Grain Bread Recipe


The loaf, after it is dehydrated ends up with a moist, bread-like texture... not too soft, not to hard, but just right.

It is important in this recipe to include the coconut oil and not too much water, otherwise you might end up with very hard bread.

You will need to start this recipe a few days in advance to sprout your grain. (It's very easy, so don't worry!)I like to use kamut grain, which is a type of wheat, but you can use any grain that sprouts.

When making this recipe it is important to not sprout your grains too long, this will add a pungent taste to your bread.

For more info go to our jar sprouting page to see how to sprout them.


  • 2C dry kamut (sprouted)
  • 1/2t celtic salt
  • 1C raisins (soaked)
  • 2 med carrots
  • 2T coconut oil
  • 2T water or more (as little water as possible, start with less and add more if needed to process)


  • Sprout your 2C dry kamut in two quart jars, one cup for each jar.
  • Soak 1C raisins for 30 minutes and strain.
  • Process, in food processor, 1 jar of sprouted kamut at a time.
  • In the first batch add coconut oil, salt, carrot and water if needed.
  • Process til very smooth, adding just enough water to keep it moving. This may take up to 5 minutes or so.
  • In the second batch add the same but leave out the carrot.
  • Process or mix together these two batches.
  • Process the remaining carrot and add separately.
  • Mix everything together including the raisins.
  • This is your bread dough.
  1. On a teflex dehydrator sheet (with a screen underneath) lay out 1/2 of your dough for each bread loaf.
  2. After about 4 hours you can turn them over onto the screen and continue to dehydrate overnight on med heat setting.
  3. Test out your bread to make sure it is the texture you prefer, usually total time is about 24 hours.

Store your bread loaves in the fridge in an air tight container or a plastic bag. They keep for 1-2 weeks, but will start to loose their vitality after this time.

I recommend eating this bread after a long arduous workout. It is good just sliced plain. You don't really need much else because the bread has the flavor and the calories.

Make Your Own Wheat Thins


You can also leave out the carrots and raisins and add more water to this recipe to make your own version of Pringles... you know the commercial potato chip brand?

They are delicious and stack like a Pringle, but taste like a Wheat Thin. See the bottom of our chips and cracker for more on our pringle recipe.

(Or use any left over sprouted grain to make your own rejuvelac!)

This bread recipe is also great for a raw vegan diet, or a raw diet in general, because you get to enjoy the comforts of one of the world's most loved foods... bread!

Enjoy other raw vegan recipes in the links below.

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